Program 001 - Static Shoulder & Hamstrings

Warm Up
Standard Crawls – 2 Forward & 2 Back (lengths)

Bridge Crawls – Once Forward, Once Back

Spiderman Crawls – Twice Forward (This is really heavy… you can make this a bit of play time)

10 Min

Pushups – 3 Sets of 6-10. Try Archer and One Arm Variations & Regress to normal pushups if needed.

PLAY TIME – Pushup Dive & Banded BA Planche Attempts for 5 Minutes

10 Min

PLAY TIME – Skin the Cat (with regressions) for 5 Minutes

Ring Chin Ups – 2 Sets of 10

10 min

Box Step Ups & Step Downs – 3 Sets of 10 per leg

10 Min

Pyramid Hamstring Glide Sequence – Once per Leg

Half Splits Stretch Sequence – Once per Leg

Strap Hamstring Stretch – Once per Leg

15 Minutes

Floor Candlestick Pops x 30. Keep going till u hit 30 (or give up)

Floor LSIT Compressions – 2 Sets of 12

5 Min